Customer Testimonials

"Thao is the Master Stylist who owns Fusion Hair Lounge. She is amazing beautician and always makes getting your hair done a treat. All of her stylists are top notch and they take walk ins.I always come back because the quality of work is amazing for such reasonable prices. Highly recommended!"

Linda F.

"I have been going to Fusion Hair Lounge for the past 2 years.  My hair is very thick and course. It's very hard to find a stylist that can Master this type of hair. The owner, Thao, has exceeded my expectations.  She is a true professional and her energy is contagious. I travel about 20 miles to the salon and each mile is definitely worth it!!  Her staff is friendly, professional and fun. I have never received so many compliments on my hair. This Salon was a great find!  Book an appointment, you won't regret it."

Lauren W.

"I called the day before for an appointment for my daughter and they were able to squeeze her in.  The owner (Thao), was really nice, saw pics of what we had in mind and gave her recommendations -she was right on in regards to the best fit of color/balayage look that went perfect with our skin color (Latina).  Lots of people have complimented her hair and my daughter looked so Beautiful and ready for her High School graduation.  This salon was Great!"

Beatriz S.